10 Signs You Might Be A Singupunk

10 Signs You Might be a Singupunk


Are you a Singupunk? Are you a believer in the singularity of our future? Are you excited about the robot “rebellion.” This new counterculture movement is prominent in the major cities across the country, but perhaps we don’t even know we’re part of it. If you’re not sure, we have some foolproof signs you just might be. 

10. You loved sci-fi stories about robots, and kept loving the artificial intelligence that came into the world.


You’re down with the idea of artificial intelligence advancing past our own imaginations from the past and into reality - and you can’t wait for what’s next!

9. You secretly wish that you were a robot, because you relate more to them than humans.


The human body of yours is not the ideal existence, in your mind. You really want to be more like a robot, which leads us to our next sign …

8. You have a Singupunk tattoo.


You want to make your human skin resemble your inner self, which happens to be a robot!

7. You speak the language.


Singupunks have a certain lingo they use. Have you ever said your were “recharging” instead of resting? To annoy a friend have you said, “Does not compute?” You’re speaking Singupunk!

6. You’ve listened to the University of Pennsylvania Professor Nathan Fairbanks’ “Invention Destroying Freedom” discussion at the International Sociology Summit multiple times. 


We’re not talking about just checking it out because you heard about it on social media. You’re basically a Futuristic Sociology student now!

5. You’ve explained Fairbanks’ “soap dispenser” metaphor to strangers at a party.


We’re not going to explain it here - you’re already on Nathan Fairbanks’ level.

4. You totally get Active Stagnant Singulism.  


You might even be a subscriber to this social movement within Singupunk without knowing it. Popular Singupunker, Laura Reiser, has quite the social media presence, but leads a modest life. You might be following one of her accounts and receiving her messages about Active Stagnant Singulism without even really knowing it! 

3. You’ve shared a Laura Reiser quote on social media before.


Reiser’s posts on her accounts have become memes in the Singupunk world. The above quote - “The only way to learn how to deny something is to entrench yourself in it” - has become a great motivational message online, but is actually all about Singupunk. 

2. You want to get rid of all of your desires.


Are you feeling too tied down in your existence by your desires? Have you ever wished you could deny yourself the chase of those desires? You’re definitely a Singupunk!

1. You think that robots are the next step in the world’s cycle, not a threat to it.


If you’ve ever considered robots to be humans perfected, we’d say you’re probably a Singupunk - and a darn good one, too!